Four Things to Consider Before Saying Yes

Posted by in Career Advice

When you're looking for a job, just getting a job offer – any offer – can make you feel wonderful. Even if you aren't certain that the job is a good fit for you, it's tempting to take it anyway because after all – it's a job, right? Surely making some money has to be better than nothing.


It's tempting, but it's wrong. Taking a job that is clearly not right for you isn't the way to go. It will only end up derailing your career and wasting your time in the long run. Before you know it, you'll be back on the job search doing it all over again.


That being said, there are some times when taking the “right now job” makes sense. In order to help you figure it out. Here are four things you should consider before saying “yes” to a job offer:


Money – Of course, this is a crucial issue for the overwhelming majority of us. Before you accept or reject a job offer you should do some research, look at your bills and your budget in order to come up with the amount of money you need to earn to get by. If you have no income at all, then your immediate need may mean that you should take the job – even if it pays less than your previous job. If you can afford to be picky, research how much others in this position are making in order to be sure that the company is offering fair compensation.


The job itself – What would you be doing at this job? Will you be doing things that you hate or will you enjoy the work? These are important things to know. There is no point in taking a job that requires you do do things you don't like for a company you don't respect for not enough money to live on. Ask yourself what skills and experience you can bring to the job and how you can grow in the position. It may be that the job will end up being a temporary one, but unless you have no other choice, look for jobs that can provide you a stepping stone to other jobs on your career path.


The management style and corporate culture – Pay attention to the hiring manager during the interview and research the company's culture. It's important to work for someone you can respect and maybe even like. If you already feel tension between you and your potential new boss, it's not a good sign. Also, if you don't fit in with the corporate culture, you may be setting yourself up for a very short term job where you'll be miserable. For example, if you accepted a job at Hot Topic and didn't like alternative fashion and thought that piercings and tattoos were trashy, you probably wouldn't enjoy your work and wouldn't last long there.


The future of the job – Is there room for promotion down the road? It's important to consider how taking the job, even if it isn't a perfect fit, can help you further your career goals. It may be that by taking an entry-level position, you can demonstrate your value to the company and be able to move up into other jobs with them. Even if the job isn't related to your desired career, will it give you the chance to learn new, valuable skills? How will it prepare you for your next job?


When considering a job offer, it's important to think about all of these things and give them as much equal weight as you can. Of course, there will be times when your needs in one category outweigh the others, making it necessary to take a job that isn't right, if only for a short time.


What other things should you consider when reviewing a job offer? Please share your thoughts in the comments.


Photo Source: MorgueFile


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  • Melissa Kennedy
    Melissa Kennedy
    Thanks Sherry! Good luck with your search!
  • Sherry B. H
    Sherry B. H
    Great article, just what I wanted to find.
  • Melissa Kennedy
    Melissa Kennedy
    Thanks for the great comments. Changing jobs is a big risk, it's important to really weigh your choice and do your homework.
  • Jamie K
    Jamie K
    In order to avoid a mandatory overnight shift of 8-8 lasting at least on year, working in a managerial position in which I was extremely successful, I decided to resign after being offered a corporate position in HR with a small local grocer. Talk about fitting into company culture! That was the exact reason they gave me when terminating me in less than 60 days. Having never been fired from any job before, it was devastating. That was 1 1/2 years ago and I am still looking. There is an offer for another job in retail I will take until I find what I really want, but for now, bills have to be paid, and I disagree with the article on one point. It's easier to find a job when you already have one, especially a professional one. Also, add education to your life and resume for those are valuable tools in the professional world.
  • Ibrahim N
    Ibrahim N
    Interesting and precise..
  • eloise c
    eloise c
    Yes, I been through this and made a big mistake. I took a job making a little less to be closer to home and got let go after two mionths and gave nup ma job that I had fotr thirteen years. So be very careful in decising if to take the job or not. Now I am looking again and nno luck so far. It's hard out here.
  • Melissa Kennedy
    Melissa Kennedy
    Thanks Barbara for the great comment!
  • Barbara N
    Barbara N
    Helpful information!
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