Are You a Desperate Job Seeker?

John Krautzel
Posted by in Career Advice

Employers are attracted to job seekers who are confident about their abilities, making recruiters wary of desperate pleading and gimmicks. Desperation is a sign that you don't care about your career and want the position for the wrong reasons. No matter how badly you need employment, avoid these off-putting acts of beggary, and show recruiters you're a valuable asset to the company.

1. Unlimited Availability

Hiring managers expect well-rounded job seekers to have active, fulfilling lives, so it's not a trick question when they ask for your availability. The recruitment process can involve multiple phone calls and interviews, which requires some schedule management for typical professionals with families and personal hobbies. Ultimately, you don't want to give the impression that you have nothing else going on in your life.

2. Constant Follow-Up

Desperate job seekers take the words "knowledge is power" too seriously. Fearful of being out of the loop, they stalk recruiters with constant phone calls or emails to make sure they're still being considered. Unfortunately, this type of relentless pursuit can end your candidacy and send the message that you don't have boundaries or respect for the recruiter's personal time.

3. Few or Shallow Questions

When you skip the question stage or only stick to precursory information, hiring managers assume you aren't interested or need the job so badly that you don't care about the details. Discerning job seekers care about professional fulfillment and cultural fit, motivating them to seek in-depth information about the company's expectations, the chain of command and the realistic challenges of the role.

4. No Salary Requirements

Establishing a salary range shows employers that you know the value of your skills while helping recruiters determine whether your expectations line up with the company's budget. Accepting any salary may seem like a way to boost your appeal, but employers see you as someone with no standards or self-worth.

5. Eager to Please

Desperate job seekers often say whatever they think hiring managers want to hear instead of discussing their professional needs, skills and work style. The recruitment process is a two-way street, and you give up your power when you let recruiters take control of your career path.

6. Shameless Gimmicks

Desperation can make an honest job seeker cross the line with unprofessional gimmicks, ranging from using props in interviews to sending inappropriate gifts to recruiters. Every job candidate brings distinct strengths to the table, and gimmicks discourage recruiters from taking you seriously.

7. Immediately Accepts the Offer

Taking time to think about a job offer allows you to weigh the benefits and consider how your career goals align with the position. Saying "yes" right away shows employers you don't have other options and don't care about where you work.

Finding a job is like starting a relationship, and failing to vet the company can lead to dissatisfaction and poor engagement in the future. Even when times are tough, avoid becoming a desperate job seeker by reminding yourself of the unique strengths and character traits that make you a great hire.

Photo courtesy of pakorn at


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  • Robert Carter
    Robert Carter

    Seems like a lot of bull

  • Lawrence H.
    Lawrence H.

    Does #7 really make sense? Once you have an offer, you've made it past the other hurdles, and it's a little late for them to judge you as desperate simply because you know what you want, and accept immediately when receiving an offer. Otherwise, great article.

  • John A.
    John A.

    This was very informational to job seekers who sell themselves short. Very informational.


    I've been out of the corporate world for 4 years now because of taking care of sick relatives. But I agree 100%. I have been on job interviews and the money offered is ridiculous to say the least. I feel I have valuable skills to offer an organization and I would be an asset to a company. I'm willing to be flexible with money but to offer a person with an MBA, $9 an hour is an insult. It's ok though, I'll be patient.

  • D.chiranjeevi R.
    D.chiranjeevi R.

    very nice

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