How to Find Your Dream Job and The Happiness You Deserve

Posted by in Career Advice

The Declaration of Independence states everyone is entitled to certain "inalienable rights," including "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." We all love and fight for the first two…so why is that third one so hard for so many of us when it comes to our careers? The authors of that famous line were all wealthy men. For them, the "pursuit of happiness" did not come into conflict with mortgages, kids, bills, and everything else that hinders people. Be that as it may, it does not make that statement any less worthwhile. However, many people, myself included, reach a point in their lives when we realize the career we have chosen for ourselves is just not right anymore. There is something in us that yearns for more. Perhaps it’s an unfulfilled wish from our past that gnaws at us, or maybe it’s a recently discovered passion. But the question that faces so many of us is, I’m not happy and what now? It’s a good question. There comes a point when that job that makes someone so unhappy is also the one that provides a comfortable lifestyle for them and their family. This is the classic "rock and a hard place" scenario: staying in a bad job leads to misery and heartache, but leaving it – even to pursue a dream job – is risky and terrifying. Given this choice, most people opt for stable misery over unstable risk. It’s sound thinking…but also flawed. Here’s the truth: successfully switching careers is not a fast or direct process. It’s an incremental and multi-faceted course of action that takes real time to see it through to fruition. It is not an "all or nothing" option. You don’t have to just take a leap of faith and quit your job and hope you have made the right decision. In other words, there are lots of things that can be done while still employed to test out that dream job, and make sure the potential reward is worth the expected risk. Find a Mentor – Perhaps the most important step in pursuing a dream job is to find someone who already works in that field who can offer guidance and advice as you proceed. Believe it or not, this is not as difficult as it might sound. In my experience, many people express fear at the prospect of asking for help from a prospective mentor. Why would they want to help you, after all? The answer is easy: people like helping other people! By asking a prospective mentor for help, they are being told they are admired for what they do, their career is in demand, and their experiences and insights are valuable to others. Not everyone will see it this way, but once you start asking, you’ll be surprised how receptive people are. No matter what your dream job may be, there are other people out there who are doing it, but not all those people would be good mentors for you. How can you find a good mentor?
  1. Research the field and find out about the people who are in it.
  2. Create a list of people who seem like good fits with you
  3. Start contacting them slowly at first – a polite and formal email, for example – and see who responds.
  4. Try to form a relationship, and get to know their personalities even as you try to exhibit yours. Like so many other things, when you find the right mentor, you’ll know it.
Plan a Mentorship – Once you’ve found a mentor, the next step is to plan a brief trip to their workplace, to shadow them and learn the "ins and outs" of your dream job. As we all know, while things may be perfect in our imaginations, in reality even the most perfect jobs have their downsides. It would be awful to dive headfirst into a new career, only to discover a few months in that it’s not for you. By having a mentorship you can:
  1. Get hands-on experience in the field
  2. Learn about it from someone you respect
  3. Get a taste for whether or not it’s really the field for you
All of this can be accomplished without giving up anything more than a few paid vacation days. No rules would be broken, and no one at your "real" job even has to know what you’re doing. When planning a mentorship, make sure to make your mentor’s availability your first priority, and take the time to prepare your questions in advance. When you’re there, keep a notebook with you at all times, scribble notes throughout the day, then fill them out in detail each night. With so much to learn, you want to get it all, then retain it for later. Attack the Situation Head On – At the conclusion of your mentorship, one of three things will have happened:
  1. You’ll have realized the job you’re in is the right one for you, in which case you have risked nothing and ended up feeling better about where you are.
  2. You’ll come back still determined for a career change, but with the realization that this one wasn’t the right one either. In that case, no harm done, just start over!
  3. You return from your mentorship determined to proceed, then you can move forward knowing that the path ahead is the correct one.
Keep asking questions, and move forward one step at a time. Life is a constant stream of choices, some harder to make than others. Changing careers can be one of the trickiest, especially when there are obstacles in the way. But if you can arm yourself with enough information and experience to be able to know that a dream job is possible and attainable, it goes a long way toward the pursuit of your very own sense of happiness. Brian Kurth is the founder of VocationVacations and the author of "Test-Drive Your Dream Job." Kurth is a sought after expert on how to pursue and attain one’s dream job. He has shared his wit and wisdom in appearances on NBC’s TODAY Show, CNN, and FOX News, and has been featured in articles in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal and Fortune Magazine. Many more regularly turn to Brian for his comments, advice and insights. A native of Madison, Wisconsin, Kurth lives in Portland, Oregon.

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  • Maria Panameno-Bailey
    Maria Panameno-Bailey
    Spend time knowing who you are and what motivates you.  Pray, think and act ~ know yourself intimately and honestly and never compromise your values for "money."  Answer the big question:  why are you on this earth, what is the purpose of your life? After you answer the big question, draw a plan for your life (five year goals) based on what you love to do, act on it and then let it roll!  Live life to its fullest, be passionate, compassionate, loving and grateful for your life!
  • Linda  Williams
    Linda  Williams
    I have retired and would like a data entry or transcription job that I can do from home.  I've been an admin assistant/data entry specialist for many years and now want to work from home so I do not have to commute.  There are so many scam's on the internet about working from home!  Where can one go?  How can one know?
  • Victoria D. Blocker
    Victoria D. Blocker
    I'm trying to find a job within the criminal justice field while i'm in school.
  • Rosario Veschusio
    Rosario Veschusio
    After 12 years of a happy employment I have been laid off, last year. I found another job after two month close to my house well paid, but since the first day I started working I was not happy, after 12 months of unhappiness I decided to quit my job. I would like to change career, but I do not know what to do. I know I must work, and I know I like to sell.
  • Debbie Andraska
    Debbie Andraska
    Wonderful article. Very encouraging and good advice.
  • Jose Rivera
    Jose Rivera
    I have been laid off amd I know several thousands have been also, but I have not heard back from any companies.  I would like to know if I am doing something wrong or if my resume is not strong enough.
  • Walter Wells
    Walter Wells
    After 40 years in the banking industry and unemployed, I am persuing my passion for sports. I umpire and get paid... I coach and don't. Not yet anyway... the local school put me in line for a coaching position when current coach retires. Not the money I made before but it's a start!
  • Brian Caviness
    Brian Caviness
    great article. Good help.  Thanks.
  • Tiffany
    When reading this article u answer a lot of question that run though my head daily and it only made me want to work harder but my question and worries are where do u go and meet your mentor when no one around you is working on the same goal or is even in that field.
  • Mechiko Harris
    Mechiko Harris
    I enjoy helping others and this happens in my everyday life naturally, I would like to do social work and get paid. I am getting ready to start classes on line. I do volunteer work and I find it very fulfilling.
  • Robert Carlson
    Robert Carlson
    Great article, as always
  • Elizabeth Cabral
    Elizabeth Cabral
    thank you so much for the wonderful advice in seaching for the right career for me.  I really have so many questions in which path am i really taking to fulfill what i desire.  This will serve as a guide for me to find one.  Thank you!
  • Patsy
    The article definitely caught my attention because it speaks my story.  My current job creates security but not fulfillment. I'm definitely not happy. I do share the fear of approaching someone and asking them to be a mentor, but you gave me a new perspective on the approach. Your knowledge is very useful. Thank you.
  • Donna
    Thank you for such a worthwhile article. Great advice too!  I think the author is speaking directly to me and to find a mentorship would be a goldmine for me!  Thank you for your insight and wisdom.
  • Rosemary
    Thank you so much for posting such a valuable web article. It will be put to use in many ways and the outcome will be of enormous value.
  • Michelle Holmes
    Michelle Holmes
    Sometimes it is hard to imagine change actually happening or you making it happen but this article confirms what I have been trying to accomplish, by trying to sort through what is best for me. I know what it is that I do well, enjoy doing and sharing with others now I must find a way to accentuate it and build on it to reach my goal. Thanks for the inspiration.
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