10 Ways to Answer Why You Left Your Last Job

John Krautzel
Posted by in Career Advice

Job interviews are stressful enough without worrying about how to explain why you left your last job. Reduce your stress levels by preparing your answer ahead of time. Remember to frame your situation in positive terms. Here are a few suggestions to get you started.

1. No Room to Grow

Let the interviewer know that the job was wonderful, but that you were ready to move on to new challenges.

2. Taking Up Too Much Time

Explain that you were ready to move on, and knew that you wouldn't be able to do your best at work and job-hunt simultaneously.

3. Shift in Company Focus

Sometimes companies change positions. Whether the change was due to a buyout, a slight change in emphasis or a whole new mission statement, explain at the job interview that your priorities were no longer in line with the company's.

4. Just Finished a Big Project

Start by telling the hiring manager about a big project that you recently completed. Then explain that after the project, you realized that you were ready for new things and that you were unlikely to find those opportunities with your previous employer.

5. Looking for a Particular Position

Share that you had recently decided you wanted a specific position and that position was not available at your previous company. Remember to be honest. If the position you are currently applying for was available or likely to open up at your old company, the hiring manager may find out.

6. Fast-Growth Period Ended

If you're a person who loves a fast pace, then you don't want to stay at a company that has moved into a maintenance mode. At your job interview, explain that your interest had waned in your old position when things slowed down, but that you are excited to have the opportunity to help another company prosper.

7. New Interests

If you are applying for positions that are quite different from your previous job, tell the interviewers that you wanted to pursue new interests and move in a different direction.

8. Wanted a Different Work Environment

The job interview is a perfect time to explain that you love the work environment and company culture at the new organization. Without badmouthing your old employer, share that you were looking for a place that was bigger or smaller or more relaxed or offered specific benefits depending on your situation.

9. Realized Your Strengths Weren't a Good Fit

This is a great answer if you left your previous position on less-than-perfect terms. Share at the job interview that you realized you had strengths that weren't suited to the position. Then elaborate on those strengths to move you closer to getting hired.

10. Position No Longer Meshed With Life Goals

This is usually an honest answer and doesn't require much explanation. A brief, confident statement that your previous position was not in line with your current life goals should be enough to move the interview along.

Most importantly, remember that a job interview should be a collaboration. Don't be on your guard expecting the worst. Instead, take a cooperative attitude, working to help the interviewers understand who you are. When you let them see your value, you move a step closer to getting hired.

Photo courtesy of Stuart Miles at FreeDigitalPhotos.net


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  • Phillip T.
    Phillip T.

    Hey ladies and gentlemen, I am curious about this one. I recently had to get out of active duty military in the Army due to draw downs and not being able to make the promotion that I so desperately needed. So, I ended with an honorable discharge, I wasn't a bad employee. But, on my applications now that I put in would I put down that I was successful in the military but due to draw downs I had to get out or I was seeking a new career I could retire from or is there something different that would be more efficient to me in this case that would fit here, so far that is the only way I've been able to explain what has happened to me.

  • Panka V.
    Panka V.

    When let them see your value . Your company value.

  • Sherry L.
    Sherry L.

    How about being in near fatal car nine and a half years ago get fired while in a coma. Food LIon corporate offcie that

  • Lucy Kotokwa
    Lucy Kotokwa

    It was very hard at first after being off sick for over 5-6 weeks and the company did not pay any sick pay so you can imagine ! And later I just said if I survived for all that time with no income! Then and being ill so I have been self employed! The last 3 years I just had to say this because someo ne had an answered question! At times you go through lots of things to be able to move and maybe it will even make you a better person! So it is up to you to mention why you left the previous job because even if you don't mention ' if need be they will still know if they want to !

  • Jesse S.
    Jesse S.

    Great advice. Thanks !

  • Lucy Kotokwa
    Lucy Kotokwa

    Became self employed

  • Lucy Kotokwa
    Lucy Kotokwa

    But I had to get the grip

  • Lucy Kotokwa
    Lucy Kotokwa

    But after I received a P 45 it was like a shock hence I did a lot for that company! I was a Night Ream leader

  • Lucy Kotokwa
    Lucy Kotokwa

    I was fired on my previous job yet it was more of stress! And due to shortage of staff and truely it was very stressful! I went through hell ! High Bp

  • Kyrene Pitts p.
    Kyrene Pitts p.

    this was very informative thank you

  • Lucy Kotokwa
    Lucy Kotokwa

    I still need to comment though because

  • Lucy Kotokwa
    Lucy Kotokwa

    Thank you for the good article

  • Nancy Anderson
    Nancy Anderson

    Thanks for the great comments. @Kellie C. today many job seekers are hired for projects only and then they move on. Contracting work is gaining in popularity because there is relatively no overhead for the company as they don't offer paid time off, holiday pay, vacation pay or healthcare benefits. @Laura P. if you responded with position no longer meshes with life goals, you would only have to explain it. So just tell it like it is: I have that gap because I was taking care of my parents, etc. @Teresa Walters - you have to tell them - but professionally and facts only - no emotions, not pointing fingers, no blame, no name-calling, etc. Prior to an interview sit down and think about the answer and write it down. Have a trusted friend or parent look at your answer. Then take that with you, long with other information you might need when you go to your next interview. @Pamela K. most job seekers are still at their current position. Sadly it seems as you can only get hired if you are currently employed. Only you know the answer to why you are seeking a new job. Write it down - say it over again until you have a nice smooth response. Then take that with you. It's going to be one of the first questions asked. All the best.

  • Joanna K.
    Joanna K.

    That's a great article. Thank you!

  • Kellie C.
    Kellie C.

    One thing to weigh prior to using these reasons is whether The job you're applying for solves the problem. Employers want loyal employees, not those who, upon finishing a big project, decide they are ready for something new.

  • Laura P.
    Laura P.

    If a person left due to illness "Position No Longer Meshed With Life Goals." certainly would be a good answer. Does anyone have any other suggestions regarding leave work due to illness?

  • Teresa Walters
    Teresa Walters

    What if the company fired you

  • Pamela K.
    Pamela K.

    What if you still current at your job ?

  • Yesenia C.
    Yesenia C.


  • Yesenia C.
    Yesenia C.

    Very helpfull

  • Nancy Anderson
    Nancy Anderson

    Thanks for the comments. The article was assuming that you left your last job on your own, not that you were fired. If you were fired and you are asked why you left, be honest. You don't have to tell every sordid detail but a well-thought out response would be good. You know that this question is going to come up quickly in the interview so you need to prepare in advance. The last thing you need is to be telling the story and let emotions take over. You could say that you were let go because of and then fill in the blank. Find a way to tell the story - straightforward, short, sweet and to the point. I know you are looking for a pat answer here but there really isn't one except for the truth.

  • Joe O.
    Joe O.

    The article title reads, "ways to answer why you left your job...". You left them not that you were fired, perhaps you would need to seek another article. Thank you for the advice John.


    "My position no longer meshed with my life goals, because my life goals didn't include being fired from my position." The article had some good suggestions, but seemed to ignore the possibly unemployed elephant in the room.

  • Roshonda P.
    Roshonda P.

    Can you please answerAdrinne I question what do you say when you were fired.

  • Kenneth Clarke
    Kenneth Clarke

    Thank you very much for the very useful,10 ways to answer why you left your job.I found it very interesting and very helpful. Redards Ken Clarke.

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